Alexandria City

September 6, 2016

Alexandria is the third-largest city in Egypt after Cairo and Giza and the seventh-largest city in Africa. Called the “Bride of the Mediterranean” by locals. The city extends about 40 km (25 mi) at the northern coast of Egypt along the Mediterranean Sea. The city considered one of Egypt’s  major seaports keeps watch over Mediterranean.

Alexandria was founded by Alexander the Great, following the conquest of Egypt in 332 B.C . The city was founded on the site of the town names Rakotis , where a community of fishermen lived .

Alexander the great give the order to the famous architect Dinocrates to build the city of Alexandria but Unfortunately he died before finished the building of Alexandria. With the death of Alexander the great, his general Ptolemy 1st continue the building of the city . He give orders to build the Lighthouse on the Island of Pharos to guide ships in to her harbour.

The ptolemics continued to govern Egypt until she fell to the Roman under Emperor Augustus in 30 B.C in the battle of Actium. AT the 2nd century Christianity had gained such a following that, Alexandria became a major religious center where many churches were built among them , the church of Saint Mark the Evangelist .

IN 642 Alexandria was conquest by the Arab , in that year the capital was transferred to Al Fustat  in Cairo which founded by Arabs. The Arabs start to fortify the coasts exposed to attack from the sea, as we can see nowadays the Citadel of Quitbay.

Alexandria was considered a center for all kind of sciences during the reign of the Ptolemics. At the reign of  Ptolemy 1st in 288 B.C , He gave the orders to construct The Bibliotca of Alexandria . this bibliotheca started to decline , first time during the reign of Caesar in 48 B.C and then the library was completely destroyed in 391 A.D during the conflict between the Christians and The Idolaters. Later The Egyptian Government and UNESCO are keep on reviving the role that ancient Library of Alexandria so they start construct new one at 1995 and officially opened in 2002.

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